Ryûzaburô Ôtomo
Rodné jméno
Místo narození
Seriálová kariéra
Hlavní postava
- Divergence Eve
- Chief Petty Officer Walker
- King of Bandit Jing
- Baffle d'Ice
- Ninja Scroll
- Gôten
- Wolverine
- Omega Red
Vedlejší postava
- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
- Gunkan
- Campione!
- Melqart
- Concrete Revolutio
- Toyoshi Uchihata
- Crying Freeman
- Tōgoku Oshu
- Darker Than Black - Kuro no Keiyakusha: Gaiden
- Gorou Kobayashi
- Digimon Adventure
- VenomMyotismon
- Digimon Adventure
- Myotismon
- Digimon Frontier
- Cherubimon
- Dragon Ball Super
- Shenlong
- Dragon Ball Super
- Dābra
- Dragon Ball Super
- Super Shenlong
- Dragon Ball Z
- Dabura
- Ergo Proxy
- Outsider A
- Hellsing Ultimate
- Rob Walsh
- Rage of Bahamut: Genesis
- Beelzebub
- Saint Seiya Omega
- Headmaster
- Samurai Champloo
- Ishimatsu
- Shigurui: Death Frenzy
- Unryusai Kanaoka
- Tenjho tenge
- Kaiba Natsume
- Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk
- Blacksmith
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Ushio