- Vydavatel
- Datum vydání
- Počet skladeb
- Autor
- Typ soundtracku
- Lakeshore Records
- 24. března 2009
- 20
- Henry Jackman
- instrumentální, písničkový
Seznam skladeb
- A Giant Transformation
- Buchanan Brothers - When You See (Those Flying Saucers)
- The Exciters - Tell Him
- A Wedding Interrupted
- Meet the Monsters
- The B-52's - Planet Claire
- Do Something Violent!
- The Grand Tour
- Oversized Tin Can
- The Battle at Golden Gate Bridge
- Didn't Mean to Crush You
- Little River Band - Reminiscing
- Imprisoned by a Strange Being
- Galaxar as a Squidling
- March of the Buffoons
- Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs - Wooly Bully
- Susan's Call to Arms
- The Ginormica Suite
- Monster Mojo
- Sheb Wooley - Purple People Eater