- Vydavatel
- Datum vydání
- Počet skladeb
- Autor
- Typ soundtracku
- Angel
- 26. listopadu 1996
- 30
- Thomas Newman
- instrumentální, písničkový
Seznam skladeb
- Eggsplat
- Kentucky, 1952
- Faron Young - Hello Walls
- The McCoys - Hang On Sloopy
- Jail Bait - Tick Tick Tick
- Jail Bait
- Lewd And Shameful Manner
- Cold Turkey Pervert
- Ruby Wilson And Kurt Clayton - Battle Hymn Of The Republic
- The Collins Chapel Youth Choir - My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord
- Shooting (Georgia, 1978)
- Porn Again
- "Polonaise" From "Rusalka"
- Triple Dose
- Surgery (North Carolina, 1983)
- "Fanfare And March" From "Dalibor"
- The Half With The Brain
- Psycho Ward
- Althea
- K.C. & The Sunshina Band - I'm Your Boogie Man
- Twenty-One
- Scumbag
- Deep Depravity
- Falwell Verdict (Virginia, 1984)
- Mae Questil - Happy You And Merry Me
- Los Angeles, 1987
- Stabat Mater Dolorosa (Ending) From "Stabat Mater"
- Rosefall
- Stabat Mater Dolorosa (Beginning) From "Stabat Mater"
- Gary Wright - Dream Weaver