- Vydavatel
- Datum vydání
- Počet skladeb
- Autor
- Typ soundtracku
- Decca Records
- 1. září 2004
- 25
- Mychael Danna
- instrumentální
Ocenění a další info
Účinkuje: The Philharmonia Orchestra
Seznam skladeb
- Sissel - She Walks In Beauty
- Exchange
- Becky and Amelia Leave School
- Custer LaRue - The Great Adventurer
- Becky Arrives at Queen's Crawley
- Andante
- No Lights After Eleven
- Adagio
- I've Made Up My Mind
- Ride to London
- Becky and Rawdon Kiss
- Sir Pitt's Marriage Proposal
- I Owe You Nothing
- Piano for Amelia / Announcement of Battle
- Time to Quit Brussels
- Waterloo Battlefield
- Amelia Refuses Dobbin / The Move to Mayfair
- Custer LaRue - Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal"
- Steyne the Pasha
- Hakim - El Salaam
- The Virtue Betrayed
- Rawdon's End
- Dobbin Leaves Amelia
- Vanity's Conqueror
- Shankar Mahadevan and Richa Sharma - Gori Re