Hráči se smrtí
- Kiefer Sutherland
- Nelson Wright
- Julia Roberts
- doktorka Rachel Mannus
- Kevin Bacon
- David Labraccio
- William Baldwin
- doktor Joe Hurley
- Oliver Platt
- Randy Steckle
- Kimberly Scott
- Winnie Hicks
- Joshua Rudoy
- Billy Mahoney
- Benjamin Mouton
- Rachelin otec
- Aeryk Egan
- mladý Nelson
- Kesha Reed
- mladá Winnie
- Hope Davis
- Anne Coldren
- Jim Ortlieb
- strýc Dave
- John Duda
- mladý David
- Megan Stewart
- dívka na hřišti
- Tressa Thomas
- dívka na hřišti
- Gonzo Gonzalez
- chlapec na hřišti
- Afram Bill Williams
- Ben Hicks
- Elinore O\'Connell
- Rachelina matka
- Marilyn Dodds Frank
- Bag Lady
- Sanna Vraa
- Bridget
- Nicole Niblack
- Joe's Woman
- Cynthia Bassham
- Joe's Woman
- Sarabeth Tucek
- Joe's Woman
- Ilona Margolis
- Joe's Woman
- Julie Warner
- Joe's Woman
- Iilana B\'tiste
- Joe's Woman
- Deborah Torchio
- Joe's Woman
- Deborah Goomas
- Joe's Woman
- Michelle McKee
- Joe's Woman
- Nancy Moran
- Joe's Woman
- Dede Latinopoulos
- Joe's Woman
- Patricia Belcher
- Edna
- Susan French
- Terminal Woman
- Beth Grant
- Housewife
- Cage S. Johnson
- Near Death Patient
- Jared Milmeister
- Young Nelson's Friend
- Patrick Gleeson
- Young Nelson's Friend
- John Benjamin Martin
- Man on Crack
- Lyne Odums
- zdravotní sestra
- John Fink
- doktor
- Angela Paton
- doktor
- Evelina Fernández
- Latin Woman
- Miguel Delgado
- Latin Husband
- Ingrid Oliu
- Latin Wife
- Raymond Hanis
- Latin Orderly
- Zoaunne LeRoy
- servírka
- Tom Kurlander
- Medical Student
- Nili Levi
- malá holčička
- Anne James
- Beth
- K.K. Dodds
- Jill
- Natsuko Ohama
- profesor
- Jeff Dlugolecki
- Train Passenger
- Shauna O'Brien
- One of Joe's Women
- Ted Otis
- Medical Student
- Marie-Alise Recasner
- Girl at the Bottom of Stairs
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