- Yahoo Serious
- Albert Einstein

- Odile Le Clezio
- Marie Curie

- John Howard
- Preston Preston

- Peewee Wilson
- pan Einstein

- Su Cruickshank
- paní Einsteinová

- Lulu Pinkus
- The Blonde

- Kaarin Fairfax
- The Brunette

- Michael Lake
- manažer

- Jonathan Coleman
- Wolfgang Bavarian

- Johnny McCall
- Rudy Bavarian / Tasmanian Devil

- Michael Blaxland
- recepční

- Ray Fogo
- Bright Clerk

- Terry Pead
- Inventor Couple

- Alice Pead
- Inventor Couple

- Frank McDonald
- Nihilist

- Tony Harvey
- Bursar

- Tim Elliott
- Lecturer

- Ray Winslade
- Droving Student

- Ian 'Dano' Rogerson
- Randy Student

- Wendy De Waal
- Prudish Student

- P.J. Voeten
- Chinese Student

- Peter Zakrzewski
- dítě

- Sally Zakrzewski
- dítě

- Zanzi Mann
- dítě

- Conky Heygate
- dítě

- Mark Bell
- dítě

- Warren Coleman
- Lunatic Professor

- Glenn Butcher
- Ernest Rutherford

- Steve Abbott
- Brian Asprin

- Russell Cheek
- zdravotní sestra

- Warwick Irwin
- Gate Guard

- Keith Heygate
- Scientists Guard

- Roger Ward
- Cat Pie Cook

- Michael Matou
- Asylum Guard

- Elliott Reid
- Asylum Guard

- Martin Raphael
- Crazed Lunatic

- Max Meldrum
- pan Curie

- Rose Jackson
- paní Curie

- Basil Clarke
- Charles Darwin

- Adam Bowen
- Marconi

- Esben Storm
- Wilbur Wright

- Tim McKew
- Sigmund Freud

- Philippa Baker
- Freud's Mother

- Geoff Aldridge
- Lumiere Brothers

- Hugh Wayland
- Lumiere Brothers

- Ian James Tait
- Thomas Edison

- Aku Kadogo
- African Lady

- Margot Ross
- Emotional Mother

- Madeleine Ross
- Baby Scientist

- Nick Conroy
- Clarke Gable

- Michael Shirley
- Admiral Shackleton

- Ollie Hall
- Darwin's Bodyguard

- Christian Manon
- Darwin's Bodyguard

- John Even Hughes
- Drunk

- Pepper Soudakoff
- Darwin's Beagle

- Megan Shapcott
- Country Girl Fan

- Inge Burke
- Country Girl Fan

- Georgie Parker
- Country Girl Fan

- David Ngoombujarra
- Aboriginal Dancer

- Wick Wilson
- News Cameraman

- David Roach
- Country Yokel

- Colin Gibson
- Country Yokel

- Maynard
- nemocniční pacient

- Mikey Robins
- nemocniční pacient

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