- Diane Morgan
- Philomena Cunk

- Michelle Greenidge
- Jacqui Flink

- Charles Aitken
- Waylon Jackalope IV

- Jerry Wilder
- Adam

- Ruth Adams
- Self - Senior Lecturer - Cultural and Creative Industries - Kings College London

- Jim Al-Khalili
- Self - Prof. of Quantum Physics - University of Surrey

- Rory Bray
- Edwin Hubble

- Stephen Case
- Self - Prof. of Criminology - Loughborough University

- Ruth Chang
- Self - Philosophy - University of Oxford

- Brian Cox
- Self - Prof. of Particle Physics - University of Manchester

- Gregory Dart
- Self - Prof. of English - University College London

- Prokar Dasgupta
- Self - Prof. of Surgery - Kings College London

- Celia Deane-Drummond
- Self - Senior Research Fellow - Theology - University of Oxford

- Joyce Harper
- Self - Prof. of Reproductive Science - University College London

- Douglas Hedley
- Self - Prof. of Philosophy of Religion - University of Cambridge

- Peter Kail
- Self - Associate Professor - History of Modern Philosophy - University of Oxford

- Greg Lockett
- Doll Advert Voice Over

- Paul Nurse
- Self - Nobel Prize Laureate - Physiology or Medicine

- Atlanta Rose
- Eve

- Eleanor Seeley
- paní Hubble

- Anil Seth
- Self - Prof. of Neuroscience - University of Sussex

- Rupert Sheldrake
- Self - Scientific and Spiritual Author

- Richard Thomson
- Self - Prof. of History of Art - University of Edinburgh

- Joanna Woodall
- Self - Prof. Emerita - The Courtauld Institute of Art

- Alison Wright
- Self - Prof. of Italian Art - University Colle

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